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GLBTQ*: The Survival Guide For Queer & Questioning Teens (2003)

GLBTQ*: The Survival Guide for Queer & Questioning Teens (2003)

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3.56 of 5 Votes: 2
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1575421267 (ISBN13: 9781575421261)
free spirit publishing

About book GLBTQ*: The Survival Guide For Queer & Questioning Teens (2003)

This book has a ton of resources. It offers book as well as web sources ALTHOUGH the edition I was reading was published in 2003 so who knows how many of those sites are still active today. I liked the section covering Homophobia since it offered responses to homophobic situations or even what to say when someone makes homophobic jokes. I also found that the fact they added a section on "Religion and Culture" which could be helpful with teens whose sexuality SEEMS to challenge their religious or cultural believes. The section on work had some good resources on checking company's nondiscrimination policies for prospective employers as well.

This is a very informative guide on how to deal with being GLBTQ. It has a lot of information and I guess since I read it cover-to-cover, it was really repetitive. There was a lot of 'go to page ** for more info' when I'd already read it, but I guess that's because it's supposed to be read like a guide. Since there is a lot of info, I took notes, and these are just some lists so that I can come back later and search them up.Look Closer At...- Kinsey Scale- Pat Doe- Alana Fores- Jamie Nabozny- de

Do You like book GLBTQ*: The Survival Guide For Queer & Questioning Teens (2003)?

This book discusses issues of mental health and sexuality information about Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender. The information provided in eleven chapters can overwhelm any teen, therefore the table of contents allows teen’s to browse over content that they are specifically looking for or they can also opt to read the book from start to finish. Issues such as homophobia, coming out, school, friends, relationships, sex and sexuality, religion and culture, work, college and beyond are discus

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