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Ghost In The House (2013)

Ghost in the House (2013)

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3.88 of 5 Votes: 1
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0763655295 (ISBN13: 9780763655297)
Candlewick Press

About book Ghost In The House (2013)

This ALMOST got a 4 star but I give in a 3 1/3 because it felt like it just abruptly ended!This is a counting book without it being an IN YOUR FACE counting book and I LOVE THAT!So the other day, a local author wanted me to look at her manuscript for her children's book. It is an Alphabet book, with numbers, (okay stay with me here) So A-1 and Z-26 etc . Now why this women thinks it is important to link A with the number 1 and Z with 26 and M with 13 I just don't know. When I was talking to her I was trying to be polite (everyone thinks their book is the best) but there are a zillion alphabet and counting books, what makes yours special? I pointed out more graphic things then content we will see where it goes.SO to the point, This book is a fun way of counting and have a Halloween (holiday books are a triple threat) without being the same old 1 apple 2 Banana etc etcBOO! This fun counting story starts off with one ghost in the house. As the ghost moves around he hears all sorts of strange sounds from growls to shrieks. Although a bit nervous at the noise, the ghost (and soon all the other monster companions) are relieved when it turns out to be a mummy, skeleton, or whatnot. Until the end…when a boy turns out to be in the house as well. Then all the monsters run (while the text is counting backward) away from that spooky house until just the boy is left.This is a fun story, and the illustrations are great. The ghost reminds me of the ghosts on pac-man. And the mummy almost looks like a ninja in the shadows (until you see it really is a mummy). The monster looks more like a friend to cuddle with. Needless to say these are not scary monsters, and the fact that you bounce around their story in a fun little rhyme will make them even less scary (if that is possible). And kids in my story time will just plain laugh over the fact that it is a little boy that scares all of the monsters away. This is sure to be one of my Halloween story time classic books to pull out. And I can’t wait to try it out.

Do You like book Ghost In The House (2013)?

A nice quick spooky ready. Just plain fun! I can't wait to read this for story time in October.

The boy asked for it twice in a row. I'll purchase if I see it out. Cute Halloween story.

A host of Halloween creates meet each other in a house. A nice book for Halloween!

Halloween. I liked it more than I thought - digital pics, but cute.

Added to my rotation of not-so-scary storytime favorites!

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