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Getting To Calm: Cool-Headed Strategies For Parenting Tweens + Teens (2009)

Getting to Calm: Cool-Headed Strategies for Parenting Tweens + Teens (2009)

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3.95 of 5 Votes: 2
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0982345402 (ISBN13: 9780982345405)
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About book Getting To Calm: Cool-Headed Strategies For Parenting Tweens + Teens (2009)

Like others who have read this book or who are reading it now, I wish I had read it earlier in my parenting career. Wise, practical and grounding. Middle school can be a bumpy road. This book encourages parents to not take it personally while their kids pull away, to continue to support them, set limits and focus on what is important to you and your family. There is great letter example from parent to teen on how to talk about drugs and alcohol without revealing every weird choice we ourselves made as teens when times and expectations were different and less was known about teen brain development. A very helpful and insightful book on how deal with Tweens and Teens and their crazy, un-avoidable ways. I found the science interesting on why teens act the way they do. It helps parents to understand the inner workings of their child's mind and helps give strategies in how to lead their teen down the right paths of decision making, responsibility taking, etc. while keeping their relationship in tact.

Do You like book Getting To Calm: Cool-Headed Strategies For Parenting Tweens + Teens (2009)?

Man, with 4 teenagers, I need the great perspective that this book provides!

This book is helpful in seeing the teen's perspective and not over-reacting.

This ia a great ready for parents of teenagers!

so much great info for us as parents!

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