About book Get Positively Beautiful: The Ultimate Guide To Looking And Feeling Gorgeous (2008)
This guide seems to fill in all the information missing from her previous book "5 Minute Face". With her previous book, I was hoping for more detailed descriptions on application and definitions of make-up tools. I found both of these in this more textually dense book, in which she provides instructions for unique eye, skin, cheek, and lip types. I also enjoyed the section where she describes make-up looks to match certain moods, which I found to be much more practical than looks for specific occasions. While the first four chapters promote inner beauty and a positive self-image, it quickly gets redundant and tiresome. Throughout the entire book she uses sickeningly cheesy language like "yummy," "lovelies," "lippy," and my least favorite "goopy." Even though I thought of vomiting when she used phrases like "yummy skin treats," it turns out that this was a positive, and perhaps purposeful mind trick. After getting halfway through this book, I noticed that every time I went to the mirror I couldn't help but thinking ridiculous thoughts like "hey gorgeous" and "those are some sparkling eyes." So even though the language is abrasively chipper, it certainly doesn't hurt one's self esteem.Another thing I disliked about the language was her color descriptions. I have no idea what the difference is between warm rose, cool pink rose, true rose, and deeper rose. I thought that when buying make-up, things would be conveniently named exactly as she described them, but this was not the case. Everything had useless names like "flirtatious", "sassy", and "minx". I also tried google-ing the color taupe and got a lot of different results. It would have been enormously helpful if she had included a color palette of exactly what she had in mind.Overall, this is a useful book filled with tips and tricks to improve your look and technique. I can now say that I actually know how to apply eye shadow, which I've always failed at before. Definitely a good reference book to have on hand. At the time I got this book I was completely makeup obsessed and refused to leave the house without a full face of makeup, seriously. So at the time I thought this book was about tips and tricks but that was only part of it, so I had given up on it thinking it was a useless book unless you where having a mid life crises. But now that I really think about it, and now that I rarely ever wear anything on my face other then your moisturizer and lip balm, that what is written in this book is 100% true. If someone ever needed a confidence boost for their natural beauty but still wanted to learn how to apply makeup correctly and the true meaning of less is more then I'd suggest to them to go pick up this book and to read it page for page.
Do You like book Get Positively Beautiful: The Ultimate Guide To Looking And Feeling Gorgeous (2008)?
I wish I would have bought the book when I met Carmindy. Then she could have signed it. Oh well.
Quick read - I love Carmindy's positive attitude!