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Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1998)

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1998)

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3.63 of 5 Votes: 1
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0871401703 (ISBN13: 9780871401700)

About book Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1998)

The first time I heard the title Gentlemen Prefer Blondes was when I was in the 6th grade and I saw the Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell film. I loved the movie, but I never even knew it was a book! When I was able to finally able to get my hands on a copy I devoured it the day I began reading it. This is very different from the movie which has a very simple plot. The book however is more of a series of events, which are told in Lorelei's perspective from her diary. She has a great many of suitors who she seems to collect and keeps them for a while until she finds a knew one. Dorothy who in the film has a leading role with a romance of her own in the film seemed more like a sidekick to Lorelei. Through the whole novel Lorelei kept mentioning of how she was educating Dorothy, which seemed to come to a stop once she got married it seemed.the ending was completely different as well, and I am sure that I needn't mention that there was no "Diamonds are a girls best friend" or "Bye bye Baby", but Lorelei's famous love for jewels was still there. I kept laughing at different parts of the book especially when the girls find themselves arguing with Piggie's wife. Dorothy's comments were really hilarious, but I did not see much of them since Lorelei was trying to educate her. It seemed that this dumb blonde was not so dumb after all and that really made me smile for the whole time she kept saying about how she was trying to get educated and in a way she was in her own way.

скажено весела й іронічна, дживз-і-вустерівського типу історія, тільки в ролі дживза тут – неперевершена лорелей лі, білявка, чарам якої вкрай тяжко опиратися чоловікам із очима. можна би припустити, що чоловікам із вухами буде трохи легше протистояти спокусі, бо лорелей – панянка доволі наївна, але скидається на те, що можливість дивитися на прекрасне й навіть, може, іноді його мацати чоловікам дуже багато компенсує.до речі, про наївність: як висловилася її подруга, мозок лорелей нагадує радіо, яке доводиться весь час слухати і яке страшенно набридає, але як тільки вирішуєш його розбити, воно видає якийсь шедевр. тому не варто одразу списувати героїню як пустоголову дурепу – в цій білявій голові ховається чимало чарівних несподіванок. (і про diamonds are forever, схоже, вперше сказала саме вона).

Do You like book Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1998)?

I probably would have given this 5 stars if it wasn't for the fact it was written by Anita Loos, who from all I've read of her makes my skin crawl. I'm surprised her autobiography A Girl Like I, is rated so highly on Goodreads, because I though that was easily one of the most meanspirited books I've ever read. I think that takes a bit of the fun from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes for me. Since the entire book (supposedly) was a joke against her mentor HL Mencken (I don't like him much either actually) and his fondness for scheming blondes. But this follows the noble tradition of such books as Shamela, and it is very, very funny. It's a pity Jean Harlow never did a film version of this, because it fits more with her character than Monroe (and yes, Loos DID write dialog for some of the most classic Harlow films).

This fit into many categories that I am fond of reading; a dated bestseller written by a woman that had tremendous influence through society via the long tail. Anita Loos wrote this satire in 1926, it was made into a movie, then a musical then a movie again. She was so identified by this one work (though she was a prolific screenwriter) that "Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend" was played at her funeral. To get my hands on a copy at the local library they sent an intern down to storage. It is dated, but man it was fun to read.

March 5thToday I went to a place called Goodreads, it is a kind of litrary salo which is useful for a girl that wants to improve her mind like I do. So I wondered how I would be a social success there it is quite different from New York but luckily I met a gentleman called Mr. Paul Bryant who took an interest in me and wanted to help me improve my mind. Mr. Bryant said it is very very easy you just post a review that is a bit riskay and has an artistic picture at the top. I said I did not know how to do artistic pictures but Mr. Bryant said you just borrow one from another review like from Miss Lisa Jayne who is very very popular. I said isnt that stealing but Mr. Bryant said no it is an act of ommadge and she will be delighted.Then I said what do I write under the picture and he said you just be yourself and you will see the votes come rolling in, like I said it is very very easy. So I copied out what I wrote in my diary for today and Mr. Bryant gave it to his friend Dr. Rayner to post and they said I would be an Internet celebrity before I knew it. I said that was very very interesting but was there a place on the Internet where they could buy me an emerald bracelet since a girl doesn't want to waste her time. But Mr. Bryant said that unfortunately he was to busy today to go shopping.I like the Internet very very much but I think I will go back to New York because the gentlemen there know how to treat a lady.

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