About book Furniture Makeovers: Simple Techniques For Transforming Furniture With Paint, Stains, Paper, Stencils, And More (2013)
The author states up-front that the book won't contain step-by-step directions on how to achieve the various effects due to the variance in wood conditions. She also points out it gives the user more free reign to experiment. That being said, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me as most people who seek this type of book are looking for more explicit instructions. However, the book does contain lots of pictures and tips and helped me feel inspired and generate ideas. Inspirational and practical.When someone has an area of life all figured out and can guide you through it so you don't make dumb mistakes, it's thrilling!I loved reading all about the techniques, and getting "peeks" at the finished products, and then seeing them in all their glory.This author made me feel like I can really do this- paint furniture. I want to start tomorrow!!!!!(I had this in a book rack where the "M" in the title was covered up, and I kept thinking it was "Furniture TAKEOVERS", which is kind of true- they have different personalities when Barbara gets done with them.)
Do You like book Furniture Makeovers: Simple Techniques For Transforming Furniture With Paint, Stains, Paper, Stencils, And More (2013)?
This is a very helpful book with step by step instructions and creative ideas.
Blog becomes book - not much here I didn't already know...
SO detailed and helpful. I might actually buy this one.