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Funeral Potatoes (2012)

Funeral Potatoes (2012)

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3.22 of 5 Votes: 4
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Covenant Communications

About book Funeral Potatoes (2012)

Maybe I'd bump it up to 2.5 stars for a few life-lessons learned in this book. Otherwise it was just had too many different "funny" "experiences" lined up throughout the whole book. If it was a memoir, the stories might be funny but I felt like it was just a story about all of these hilarious experiences that couldn't all happen to one person! The plot amounted to nothing more than could be summarized in a few sentences. I think this author is funny the way she views life. However, I did find it ironic that the day I was reading this was also the same day I got a call that my mother only had a few more days to live after a long battle with Alzheimer's. So there will be a funeral and funeral potatoes in my near future too. It was a fun book, mostly comedy mixed with a few deeper, thought provoking moments. LDS themed.

Do You like book Funeral Potatoes (2012)?

Really quite funny, good story line, and gives you much to think about.

I thought it was a good book to read when you are having a bad day.

Typical LDS fiction.

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