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Fugitive Colors: A Novel (2013)

Fugitive Colors: A Novel (2013)

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4.18 of 5 Votes: 3
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1611458943 (ISBN13: 9781611458947)
Arcade Publishing

About book Fugitive Colors: A Novel (2013)

I am not normally a historical fiction reader, but Lisa Barr's Fugitive Colors truly had me enthralled. From the first page of the prologue, to the last drop of beautifully written wonder, I didn't read this book, I lived it. In my opinion, this is the mark of a true gem of a book. When you read a book that engages you so well you have to put it down because you yourself, not the character, are in a concentration camp, it makes you realize what this author has done. I do not mean to rant on and on about this book, just to state the excellent job Lisa Barr did on it. The book was well written, very nearly free of typos, and left you feeling that regardless of the evil that occurred during WWII, good does eventually win out in the human race. I won this through Goodreads First Reads Giveaway.This is going to be one of those reviews that I do where I hardly make any sense. There are not enough ways to describe just how much I loved this book!!! As a huge history buff, I love reading a book wrapped around actual historical events. The author Lisa Barr did an excellent job of describing the atmosphere in Europe prior to World War II. Yakov Klein, a Hasidic Jew, knew at an early age that painting was his life's passion. Even though he is forbidden to indulge in this sinful act, Yakov finds a way. Stealing art books from the library, secretly drawing and hiding his work finally comes to an end when he is caught up in a moment of frenzied drawing of a merchant woman while at the market. He soon becomes a spectacle gathering the attention of fellow Jews. By the time he gets home, Yakov's father throws him out of the house. Leaving in the middle of the night, Yakov leaves behind his grieving mother and his heritage to pursue his love of art. After Yakov sheds his name and becomes Julian arrives in Paris to attend a famed art school. Before reaching the school, he befriends three fellow artist who talk him into abandoning the school to study with them with a local famed artist. This decision thrusts Julian into a world of heartbreak, jealousies leading to betrayal, torture, and even death. Soon Julian is going from just wanting to paint to helping his closest and only friends from betraying one another to becoming a spy deep in the heart of Germany during a torturous and horrific time. This book is one of those books that really doesn't get dusted over on your bookshelf. I have already read this book twice and have had three of my best friends buy it and love it as much as I do! This is definitely an excellent read!!

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Stayed up way too late to finish this book last night...and was really sad to see it end.

I could not put this book down. One of the best books I have read in a long time!

I won this from a goodreads giveaway and I absolutely loved it.

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This book was fantastic!

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