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FRY (2013)

FRY (2013)

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3.82 of 5 Votes: 2
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Lorna Dounaeva

About book FRY (2013)

I downloaded this e-book from to my kindle fire.The author Lorna Dounaeva did a good job putting this story together. There were times when I did get caught up in the story. The story did have an underlying meaning and was good. The story also had some good smart characters in it.Some of the things I did not like about the e-book were that it had so many typographical errors. This did take away from reading the e-book. It was very distracting there were too many errors. The structure or formatting of the e-book had some issues also. The story would jump from scene to scene without any notice in some places. I had to go back and reread a couple of sections to see where the story took a turn into a new scene. The ending seemed to be dragged out and kept you hanging on long after the plot and story were revealed. I might mention the e-book and I might recommend it to a friend. Like others have said, it is an easy read. If you can suspend disbelief it's even an enjoyable read. Unfortunately I couldn't suspend it that far to truly like the book. It kept me reading but only to see what ludicrous thing the author was going to have the villain do next. The only character that has any depth is the main one who is a bit whiny and has many TSTL moments. All the rest are pretty flat.

Do You like book FRY (2013)?

This was an easy read and I wanted to know what happened but I don't think it was written very well.

Fast paced, good read. Lots of plot twists, this book keep me interested to the end.

More of a psychological thriller than a mystery but an excellent and fun read.

Great suspenseful read!

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