Na jó, itt már tényleg abba kell hagyni a történetet. Az elején kicsit sokat vette el az előzmények ismertetése azok kedvéért, akik esetleg nem olvasták, vagy régebben volt szerencséjük a könyvhöz. Aztán meg túl sok lett a történetszál, Emma testvérei, barátnője és férjének problémái stb., s elég hamar elhagyták a számomra érdekesebb gyerekneveléssel való foglalkozást. De legalábbis az előzményekhez képest e szál kifejtésének alapossága alulmaradt a várakozásaimhoz képest. Viszont a humor és a gördülékeny stílus továbbra is könnyen olvashatóvá tette a regényt, ebben nem csalódtam.Ja és olyan anyuka, aki felháborodik, ha valaki önszántából nem hajlandó szoptatni, ne olvassa el:)
This was surprisingly good! Again in my attempt to actually read the hordes of books I have stuffed in every nook and cranny in my house I found this the other day and said I'd give it a go. So its Irish and I may be a tad biased but I do love some Irish references in a book! I would have preferred one of the characters to have been the coach of Munster not Leinster though!! Anyway its a really funny read with the main characters mother being possibly the truest and therefore funniest character by far. You cant help but root for every couple in the book and by the end you'll shed a tear and be praying for a happy ending I promise you. Really light, enjoyable, fun book.
Do You like book From Here To Maternity (2006)?
i've always wanted to read sinead moriarty as my next chic-lit author, and this was surprisingly easy to read. she likes to write in a straightforward manner and in simple short sentences, like how i would advise my pupils to write (but of course they don't.) this book is funny with a typical irish humour (you'll know what i mean if you read it) and has issues like motherhood vs career, which i think speaks to girls in our day and age. this was an surprisingly enjoyable read, was able to read it in a day.