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Series: Zodiac Cyborgs

by Author Mina Carter


Aries Revealed (2012)

I liked this one but! the whole point of the interlocking HEA romantic series is that the characters of the next book are introduced in the previous book (see Shelly Laurenston for an example of how to do this *well*) so having to go on adventures with completely! new! characters! when I'm dying ...

Aries Revealed (2012) by Mina Carter

Lyon's Price (2011)

Posted on Romancing the Book's blogReviewed by CrystalReview Copy Provided by the PublisherLyon’s Price is a really great book. Yes it’s short but, it’s worth it. When I started reading it I got so into it that I hated when I got to the end. I hope she decides to write another story to this book ...

Lyon's Price (2011) by Mina Carter