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Series: The Sentinels

by Author Catherine Spangler


Touched by Darkness (2013)

I’ve been reading a lot of less romantic novels recently, so I was very excited to start Touched By Darkness. Romance is my other reading passion, so I go into a kind of withdrawal if I don’t feed my hopelessly romantic heart.Dr. Kara Cantrell has a lot to hide because her past brought her into ...

Touched by Darkness (2013) by Catherine Spangler

Touched by Fire (2013)

An urban fantasy romance, Touched by Fire could also be described as a crime drama, as the characters--although supernatural in nature--are chasing a very real criminal committing very real and violent crimes throughout Texas. It is a well written book with fully developed characters. Gripping an...

Touched by Fire (2013) by Catherine Spangler

Touched by Darkness – An Urban Fantasy Romance (2013)

She Had to Embrace the Darkness to See the Light~ Touched by Darkness was my first read from Author Catherine Spangler. I am passionate for the Paranormal and this one was very different from the usual read.Kara is such a strong women and had to live a life she did sign up for; one who married a ...

Touched by Darkness – An Urban Fantasy Romance (2013) by Catherine Spangler

Born in Blood (2013)

Nouvelle série d’un auteur que j’adore. On y retrouve son style fluide et entrainant, qui fait que dès qu’on a commencé l’histoire, on a envie de le lire en continu. Le second tome est prévu seulement l’année prochaine en anglais… Heureusement que l’auteur ne termine ni sur un cliffhanger, ni sur...

Born in Blood (2013) by Alexandra Ivy

Forgé dans le sang (2014)

Le premier tome de la série Les Gardiens de l'éternité ne m'avait pas convaincue, mais la rencontre avec l'auteur m'a donné envie de laisser une autre chance à sa plume. Si Forgés dans le sang n'est pas un vrai coup de cœur, il reste quand même une très bonne lecture de romance paranormale.Lorsqu...

Forgé dans le sang (2014) by Alexandra Ivy