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Series: The Plantagenets

by Author Thomas B. Costain


The Last Plantagenets (1963)

I was lucky enough to come across this treasure at a charity shop, and having a passionate interest in English history eagerly snapped it up.And I am glad I did. With a novelists flair , Thomas Costain creates both a detailed history of England and its monarchs from the declining years of Edward ...

The Last Plantagenets (1963) by Thomas B. Costain

The Magnificent Century (1994)

The "Magnificent" Century? Is that meant to be ironic? This second in Thomas B. Costain's books on the Plantagenets covers the 13th century, the 1200's, and the reign of Henry III... not the most spectacular period for the dynasty. Although a bit more historical in feel than the first book "The C...

The Magnificent Century (1994) by Thomas B. Costain

The Three Edwards (1962)

I am enjoying Costain's Plantagenet series. Lots of information as I travel through the Middle Ages. I got a bit bogged down in places; there seemed to be a lot of unfamiliar "side trips" that were slower to digest.Of particular note as the U.S. debates whether to raise the debt ceiling or defaul...

The Three Edwards (1962) by Thomas B. Costain

The Conquering Family (1994)

I first read this book, oh gosh, maybe thirty years ago. In fact, it was the very first book I ever ready about the Plantagenets, and one of the first I ever read about the middle ages. What a good choice! His writing style is so smooth (I guess you would call him Popular History) that the book a...

The Conquering Family (1994) by Thomas B. Costain