Another good read in this series.It’s been a while since I read the first two books in the Ivy Years series but the details came back pretty quick with the brief mentions of Hartley, Corey and Bridger throughout this new story. This book focuses on the love story between Rikker and Graham. Two of...
The Year We Hid Away was my first Sarina Bowen book and I thought it was amazing. The two MCs, Scarlet and Bridger, are forced into horrible circumstances by the actions of their parents. Yet they face them with strength and perseverance. I like how they're moving forward on painful paths and sti...
A real "kinda kinda" book. Originally refers to "kinda subversive, kinda hegemonic", but here it's kinda fantastic in disability terms (disabled protagonist in YA romance), kinda woeful (repeated use of derogatory words for disabled people & dismissal of parathletes ). And the romance is terrible...
Loved this story. So beautifully written. It's great to see a disabled character who succeeds, doesn't wallow in self-pity, and finds her way as best she can. Corey developed great relationships at school and had some wonderful insights into how people reacted to her disability. Her romance with ...