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Series: The Elder Scrolls

by Author Greg Keyes


Pan duší (2011)

Being a huge fan of The Elder Scrolls universe, I was pretty excited about these books existing. The Infernal City was pretty enjoyable, easy to read, easy to follow. Lord of Souls was hard to finish. By the end, there are quite a few miscellaneous characters and storylines that really don't c...

Pan duší (2011) by Greg Keyes

La città infernale (2009)

I am a huge elder scrolls fan. I have played every game in the series to some extent, excluding the side titles like "Redguard, Battlespire, and ESO." So when I heard that there was a book about it, I got excited! I bought it on kindle and started reading. What I found was no where near my expect...

La città infernale (2009) by Greg Keyes

The Infernal City (2009)

Asi jsem ideální cílovkou pro tuhle knihu - nejsem ani naprostý laik co se světa TES týče (cca vím jaké mezi sebou mají jednotlivé frakce vztahy, co a kde je Black Marsh, Morrowind, Skyrim, proč argoniánci fakt nemusejí dark elfy apod.), nicméně nejsem ani natolik zdatný odborník, abych vnímal př...

The Infernal City (2009) by Greg Keyes