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Series: The Cambion Chronicles

by Author Jaime Reed


Burning Emerald (2012)

Sam is adapting slowly to having Lillith, to being a Cambion, but it isn’t easy. Her new powers of attraction are alienating her friends and a considerable number of her school peers and Caleb’s draw on her is growing to almost ridiculous degrees. Her own draw is attracting a lot of unwanted atte...

Burning Emerald (2012) by Jaime Reed

Smaragdgrün wie die Dämmerung (2013)

I literally devoured this book as I just could not put it down. Excuse me for I really need to recollect myself after this intense ride.I honestly could not do anything else but read these books. I am really intrigued by Samara's strength but then again this book left me totally hanging. I am eag...

Smaragdgrün wie die Dämmerung (2013) by Jaime Reed

Osudová přitažlivost (2014)

2,5 starsI really don't know what to make of this book yet. I've finished it, but I still can't decide whether I like it or not. Right now, it's more of a "meh". It wasn't bad, but it didn't knock me flat on my butt either. Granted, I've already read a trilogy that circled around a Cambion. And I...

Osudová přitažlivost (2014) by Jaime Reed

Violett wie die Nacht (2012)

Vôbec som to nechcela čítať. Nikdy. Vôbec som o tom ani nepremýšľala, no keď som ju vyhrala, tak som si povedala, že som si to asi mala prečítať. Historicky prvá YA kniha na mojej poličke. Irónia, nie? Neznášam YA a neznášam obálky s reálnymi tvárami. Napriek tomu sa mi aj príbeh aj obálka páčia....

Violett wie die Nacht (2012) by Jaime Reed

Magická príťažlivosť (2014)

Perhaps a little less than 2 stars, as I actually managed to finish it.I will give points to the author for two things: one, having a bi-racial character, and two, this supernatural setting not having a single vampire or werewolf.Unfortunately, while the actual plot wasn't terrible, the author's ...

Magická príťažlivosť (2014) by Jaime Reed