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Series: Teardrop

by Author Lauren Kate


La última lágrima (2014)

I thought I'd like this more, but it was only so-so. I thought the romance was boring and it took far too long to get to the fantasy action parts (the great opening scene notwithstanding). Although, I always have to hedge my review by saying that I listened to it on audio in the car and therefore...

La última lágrima (2014) by Lauren Kate

Teardrop (2013)

It took me 3 tries to engage with this book. I found it really slow until at least 1/2 way when the pace finally picked up.Positives: really creative premise involving Atlantis, you can feel Eureka's pain which speaks to some good writing, interesting characters, and an exciting ending.Negatives...

Teardrop (2013) by Lauren Kate