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Series: Tales Of Magic

by Author Edward Eager


Half Magic (1999)

Summertime belongs to childhood. The grown-up version, with BBQs and yard work, can’t compare to the long, long days spent exploring and digging in the dirt.Now, I’m a winter girl, through and through, but when the lightning bugs start to rise up out of the grass, I start to ache for the summers ...

Half Magic (1999) by Edward Eager

Seven-Day Magic (1999)

I know I read this as a child, but it must have been only once, because so much of it seemed fresh and new to me. Tommy was enthusiastic, especially at first, because he has lately been really into spotting "references" in books and TV shows (this largely brought about by his current fixation wi...

Seven-Day Magic (1999) by Edward Eager

The Well-Wishers (1990)

So I am beginning this story, and after that each one will tell what happened to him or her, as the case may be, and each one will tell it in his own way. Only we have made one rule, which is not to tell about the days when nothing happened, because who would want to read about them? And another ...

The Well-Wishers (1990) by Edward Eager

Knight's Castle (1999)

According to Goodreads, Knight’s Castle is the second book of this series. I don’t believe it makes any difference in which order you read these first few books. However, I enjoyed reading Half Magic first and would have preferred to read Magic by the Lake afterwards just because the characters a...

Knight's Castle (1999) by Edward Eager

The Time Garden (2015) really enjoyed reading The Time Garden much more than I did Knights Castle. These two books have the same set of characters, but the story in this book was much more interesting to me.I am beginning to enjoy this set of characters more as I continue to read...

The Time Garden (2015) by Edward Eager

Magic by the Lake (1999)

Exciting "gave chase" p 63. More silly than scary. Not too many old sayings. Just enough flapper era for fun. Magic has rules, limits, misunderstandings. Not quite literal like Amelia Bedelia But same, improved by illustrations. I could wish for color, bu...

Magic by the Lake (1999) by Edward Eager