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Series: Starbuck Chronicles

by Author Bernard Cornwell


Rebel (2001)

Nord und SüdWegen einer Eskapade mit einer Frau hat Nathaniel Starbuck seine Ausbildung zum Pastor abgebrochen. Sein Vater, ebenfalls Theologe, ist nun überhaupt nicht gut auf seinen Sohn zu sprechen. Und so will Nathaniel lieber zum Elternhaus seines besten Freundes Adam reisen. Dass Adam aus de...

Rebel (2001) by Bernard Cornwell

Battle Flag (2001)

Аз съм фен на Корнуел и преди съм го казвала. :)Поредицата за Старбък, обаче, успя да ме изненада с нещо нехарактерно за останалите книги - великолепно развитие на характерите. Характерите на героите в книгите на Корнуел са доста статични, включително и на главните герои, макар че при тях нещата ...

Battle Flag (2001) by Bernard Cornwell

The Bloody Ground (2001)

There are just so many good mysteries out there. The Starbuck books view the Civil War through the eyes of a transplanted New Englander fighting for the Confederacy. This is the 4th in the series. Not being a fan of the Southern point of view, I was reluctant to pick these up, but Cornwell te...

The Bloody Ground (2001) by Bernard Cornwell