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Series: Sleeping Beauty

by Author A.N. Roquelaure


Beauty's Release (1999)

Una trilogía difícil de puntuar, no necesariamente agradable para cualquier lector. Es por eso, y teniendo en cuenta las opuestas reviews que encontré sobre ella, que decidí esperar a leer sus tres partes para analizarla con un poco más de "completitud". En conjunto se llevan sus tres estrellas, ...

Beauty's Release (1999) by A.N. Roquelaure

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty (1999)

I've heard lots about this trilogy, good and bad. It's been touted as great BDSM fic, an erotic fairytale and a great read. There were voices that said it's vile and horrible. There seemed to be no middle groundCurious, I requested the books on Netgalley when Penguin made them available as a re-r...

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty (1999) by A.N. Roquelaure