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Series: Shadow

by Author Erin Kellison


Schattentanz (2000)

For those of you who have not yet discovered author Erin Kellison, I seriously suggest you do so. Put her name on that list of must read authors.. get to know her because this woman writes a wicked story!!I first had the privilege of reading Ms. Kellison's Soul Kissed and fell unquestionably in ...

Schattentanz (2000) by Erin Kellison

Seeing Shadows (2012)

When I first saw Seeing Shadows on Amazon daily deal, I was curious. The synopsis sounded good, the heroine deals with haunting visions of death about the people around her. So genuinely, I wanted to know what these visions were, why does she experience such horrific dreams. Sadly, I was disappoi...

Seeing Shadows (2012) by S.H. Kolee