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Series: Pyat Quartet (between The Wars)

by Author Michael Moorcock


The Laughter of Carthage: Pyat Quartet (2006)

Originally published on my blog here in July 2001.The second of the Pyat novels - centred around a minor character who originally appeared in the Cornelius Quartet - takes his story from his escape from the collapsing Russia of the civil war which followed the 1917 revolution to a new life in the...

The Laughter of Carthage: Pyat Quartet (2006) by Michael Moorcock

The Vengeance Of Rome (2007)

After three books of tall tales that often completely conflict with history, genius "inventions", rampant drug use, rape and more unnecessary and arbitrary insults directed at Jews than there are Jews in the world, what's left for a potentially insane and completely unlikeable protagonist to go? ...

The Vengeance Of Rome (2007) by Michael Moorcock