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Series: Operation Otherworld

by Author Poul Anderson


Three Hearts and Three Lions (2003)

Three Hearts and Three Lions is considered one of the classics of modern fantasy fiction. It contains all of the fundamental archetypes of the fantasy genre, and while it may seem cliché by today’s standards, it was original enough in 1953. Also, this novel is credited among the sources that infl...

Three Hearts and Three Lions (2003) by Poul Anderson

A Midsummer Tempest (1984)

Some websites list this book as the second book in the Holger Danske (main character in Three Hearts and Three Lions) series, however, as he appears only in one short chapter in the middle of the book, it is perhaps a bit of a stretch.This book is similar in that it deals with an Earth history in...

A Midsummer Tempest (1984) by Poul Anderson