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Series: Modern Library Chronicles

by Author Robert S. Wistrich


The City: A Global History (2006)

"Cities compress and unleash the creative urges of humanity. ... [T]hree critical factors have determined the overall health of cities -- the sacredness of place, the ability to provide security and project power, and last, the animating role of commerce. Where these factors are present, urban c...

The City: A Global History (2006) by Joel Kotkin

The Balkans: A Short History (2002)

We are so familiar with nation-states; every country is supposed to have a native population that belongs to a single race or ethnicity, speaks a single language, follows a single religion (or professes nominal ties to it), and expresses itself through a culture produced by the synthesis of the a...

The Balkans: A Short History (2002) by Mark Mazower

Nonviolence: Twenty-Five Lessons from the History of a Dangerous Idea (2006)

The subtitle of this book lets you know what to expect if you pick it up intending to read it: Nonviolence: Twenty Five Lessons from the History of a Dangerous Idea.For me, nonviolence is a part of an ideal world. I am drawn to it but do not know where in my being it originated. I do not want to ...

Nonviolence: Twenty-Five Lessons from the History of a Dangerous Idea (2006) by Mark Kurlansky

Dangerous Games: The Uses and Abuses of History (2010)

A brief discourse on how history is always changing over time, how it can never achieve the analytical precision of science, and how all nations and many non-national groups can shift and alter history to produce narratives, and change it to their favor. Particularly relevant reading this on the ...

Dangerous Games: The Uses and Abuses of History (2010) by Margaret MacMillan