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Series: Million Dollar Duet

by Author C.L. Parker


Un millón de secretos inconfesables (2014)

2 stars ... Too generous ?!?Everything about this story is IMPOSSIBLE. Noah's behavior: impossible!Delaine's behavior: impossible!Their sexual history : impossible!Their love story: impossible!All the events that are happening : impossible!The sexe scenes are pretty HOT... but there are too many!...

Un millón de secretos inconfesables (2014) by C.L. Parker

La proposta (2013)

When I first started reading this story, I was thinking this was some bad writing. But as I continued to read, I actually liked it more and more. It is hokey writing, kinda slap-stick sort of. I mean anybody that talks to her "Cooch" all the time or gives it a life of it's own (split persona) ...

La proposta (2013) by C.L. Parker

Um Milhão de Desejos Secretos (2014)

I was considering giving up about halfway through this book. I kept going back to Goodreads comments and was determined to find out why the book was getting 4 - 5 stars. I am glad I finished the book, but I can only muster up 3 stars. The nicknames were getting on my nerves ... the Cooch? Serious...

Um Milhão de Desejos Secretos (2014) by C.L. Parker

Un millón de placeres culpables (2014)

2.5 StarsI picked up the book because I LOVED the cover...and the title. As I began reading, I became a bit discouraged. I wanted to know what was going to happen to Noah and Lanie so I kept reading. I just couldn't read it without skimming. In the first book “A Million Dirty Secrets. Lanie s...

Un millón de placeres culpables (2014) by C.L. Parker

La trasgressione (2000)

I really loved these characters, especially Noah (fawn) and Delaine, but the ending was so unsettling. I was like, "Really? That's it?" I feel like it was almost rushed and could have been a bit more detailed or more fun/cute. The two are obviously together and so, that part is figured out and th...

La trasgressione (2000) by C.L. Parker

A Million Dirty Secrets (2013)

Muy a pesar del lenguaje no tan genial, me ha gustado.No el mejor libro de su genero, pero entretenido.Noah es simplemente... humano?El libro es corto, aunque divertido.Me ha gustado la relación de amor- odio entre los personajes. Especialmente por que mas que odiarse es solo una forma de pasárse...

A Million Dirty Secrets (2013) by C.L. Parker

A Million Guilty Pleasures (2014)

I read book 1 when I won it through Goodreads. I didn't like it much, but thought I would go ahead and try this one so that I could finish out the series. Let me say that I got it through my library - there was no way I was going to pay for it.I made it through 3 chapters before I had to give u...

A Million Guilty Pleasures (2014) by C.L. Parker