As usual, Fred Saberhagen really delivers with The Seventh Book of Lost Swords: Wayfinder's Story. This story follows Wayfinder, a god-forged sword with the power to lead its holder to his or her most cherished goal. This story takes a lot of unexpected twists and turns as the swords switches h...
In The Second Book of Lost Swords: Sightblinder's Story, Saberhagen finally gives a name and a face to the Ancient One introduced in the First Book of Lost Swords: Woundhealer's Story to the realm of the Swords.This story follows Yambu, Zoltan and Ben as they attempt to use Sightblinder, a god fo...
There are twelve swords that were forged by the gods. They are swords of both made for the annihilation of your enemy and the healing of your allies. This is the story of the sword Woundhealer. even though it is not a sword that can be used offensively it is still sought after by many. The book b...