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Series: Lords Of The Var

by Author Michelle M. Pillow


The Playful Prince (2011)

tori was a scientist and she was ready to go on vacation,her last job was done and she was happy,she freelanced for ESC and now she was going to relax,then ESC-Advisor Dr Fontaine called her,he said that HIA is coming abord our ship,she ask what do they want with a bunch of scientist,i don`t real...

The Playful Prince (2011) by Michelle M. Pillow

The Savage King (2011)

The Savage King - I just could not finish it The Savage King is the story of Ulyssa who is a military agent and has been sent to the planet of Qurilixen on a mission to ensure some Mafia does not leave the planet. Only she is thwarted because her targets daughter killed him, but leaving is not so...

The Savage King (2011) by Michelle M. Pillow