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Series: Legends Of Dune

by Author Brian Herbert


The Machine Crusade (2004)

Buddy read with Athena!"There are countless ways to die. The worst is to fade away without purpose."After decades of standstill, the Butlerian Jihad is rising. The almost fanatical priestess Serena Butler and the power-hungry patriarch Iblis Ginjo have led it from an idea to a universe-spanning h...

The Machine Crusade (2004) by Brian Herbert

The Butlerian Jihad (2003)

The Legends of Dune series goes back to the time when thinking machines were a common part of life and tells the tale of woe that lead to the edict "Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man's mind". The series consists of:-The Butlerian Jihad The Machine CrusadeThe Battle of Corrin ...

The Butlerian Jihad (2003) by Brian Herbert

The Battle of Corrin (2005)

This was by far the best of this trilogy, and the first half of the book felt exceptionally good. The epidemic the machines released on the human empire felt like something machines would do, and the chapters seeing the planet infected fall apart were incredibly haunting, perhaps the passages th...

The Battle of Corrin (2005) by Brian Herbert