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Series: Lake Woebegotten

by Author Harrison Geillor


The Twilight of Lake Woebegotten (2011)

If you are a fan of parodies, satire or spoofs. If you loved Twilight, if you hated Twilight OR if you just like to read intriguing, humorous, lovingly weird books. On the other hand, perhaps Garrison Keillor and his Lake Woebegone Novels intrigue you. No matter what piques your curiosity, just ...

The Twilight of Lake Woebegotten (2011) by Harrison Geillor

The zombies of Lake Woebegotton (2010)

Horror parody is a new genre and not everyone's cup of tea. If you are culturally literate, horror motif aware, and slightly warped this is the book for you!Based on the idea that every town has secrets, the book proceeds to then rip down the walls to reveal in comic and bizarre ways the nature o...

The zombies of Lake Woebegotton (2010) by Harrison Geillor