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Series: Kinship And Courage

by Author Jane Kirkpatrick


No Eye Can See (2001)

In the second installment of the Kinship and Courage series, the tale continued for Suzanne Culver and the rest of the widows who lost their husband from the cholera epidemic on the Oregon Trail. For all of them, they bonded like family and became closer friends, when they journeyed to California...

No Eye Can See (2001) by Jane Kirkpatrick

All Together in One Place (2000)

This is book one of the Kinship and Courage Series; book 2 is No Eye Can See; book 3 is What Once We Knew. I was captivated during each one, hardly able to put them down. I awoke early, stayed up late.Historically accurate, with vivid details, dynamic characters, deep themes, real conflict! Be...

All Together in One Place (2000) by Jane Kirkpatrick

What Once We Loved (2001)

Master storyteller? Time will tell us that as history means the writing is behind the author. The writer passes on. The writing remains and gets termed "master of the genre" "classic author", etc. Jane Kirkpatrick will be one of those termed a master storyteller of historical fiction involved dee...

What Once We Loved (2001) by Jane Kirkpatrick