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Series: Japanese Dolls

by Author Rumer Godden


Little Plum (2007)

LITTLE GIRLS AT WAR OVER JAPANESE DOLLSRumer Godden specializes in creating a gentle fantasy world where dolls have Lives--or in this case, Thoughts--of their own. Nona and Belinda Fell treasure their three Japanese dolls: Miss Happiness, Miss Flower and Little Peach. These special "persons" enjo...

Little Plum (2007) by Rumer Godden

Miss Happiness and Miss Flower (2006)

I'm not even a doll person but I immediately fell in love with this book! Even now I'm hard pressed to say who captivated me more, the adorable little dolls named in the title who speak (only to the reader of course!) throughout this children's-book-for-adults or lonely Nora suddenly finding her...

Miss Happiness and Miss Flower (2006) by Rumer Godden