I've taken an interest to Iceland ever since I read Halldór Laxness. Seeing there are a few Icelandic authors in translation - or maybe they are indeed just a few - I wanted to explore this country through the detective novels of Arnaldur Indriðason, as well. Luckily, he gives some interesting in...
These are addictive; it's wonderful, and a near-forgotten pleasure, to devour books reflexively as I did when I was a kid. I've been moving the next one in this series from room to room for the past couple of days whilst I make myself finish a couple of other things first. I saw a review of anot...
this was my first Icelandic novel, I picked one at random just to understand the fuss about Nordic authors and I wasn't disappointed. However, all the "minor" stories combined with the main plot could sometimes be a little bit confusing at the beginning, in particular the details about the detect...