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Series: Green Town

by Author Ray Bradbury


Something Wicked This Way Comes (2006)

I don't give Ray Bradbury's "Something Wicked This Way Comes" praise lightly. This was a book I first read many years ago in junior high, back when I used to take some of my lunch breaks and spend reading in the library. The librarian never bothered me, and I read as many books as I could fit i...

Something Wicked This Way Comes (2006) by Ray Bradbury

Dandelion Wine (2000)

In creative writing classes the instructor will often remind the novice that it is difficult to write about something that is close to an author. The subject becomes too personal, too emotional; the author cannot distance him/herself from the material enough to effectively depict the idea. So too...

Dandelion Wine (2000) by Ray Bradbury

Farewell Summer (2006)

С ночным боем часов на городской ратуше семидесятилетний старик беседует со своей последней эрекцией, а к тому времени, как часы завершают третий удар, уже знакомый мне по первой книге Дуглас встречается со своей первой. "Мы ещё встретимся, дружок? Конечно, утром я проснусь раньше тебя." Теперь п...

Farewell Summer (2006) by Ray Bradbury