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Series: Deception

by Author D.H. Sidebottom


Cadence (2000)

After falling all over myself with Facade I felt a but disappointed with Cadence. Maybe it's because the vile, twisted, manipulations of book 1 left so little shock value here. I can't pin point it.THERE MAY BE SPOILERS IN THE FOLLOWING RANT.I enjoyed watching Faye regain her backbone, but there ...

Cadence (2000) by D.H. Sidebottom

Facade (2014)

It was good book but im pissed i read it because i dont like storylines that bring in new characters and make the lead character be with them. I guess they thought it was cute with that whole twist at the end but i didnt care for it so i wont be reading the next book. I felt like it was a waste o...

Facade (2014) by D.H. Sidebottom