Misschien wel de rock-’n-rollste van de Amerikaanse misdaadbrigade. Sinds begin jaren negentig is Pelecanos aan een opmars bezig die niet te stuiten valt. Hoewel zijn oeuvre uiteenvalt in verschillende reeksen, de boeken zich afspelen in verschillende tijdperken (wel allemaal naoorlogs) en de nad...
Revised playlistsThe playlists, as named below, are available on Spotify.Stay tuned if you need guidance.I've read about ten of George Pelecanos's novels. I've never picked up another book once I've started one of his, till I'm finished.George Pelecanos, 2013One of the best Pelecanos stories. Thi...
This is the fourth book in the DC Quartet by George Pelecanos. This limited first edition of Shame the Devil was published in November 1999 by Dennis McMillan Publications in Tucson, dust jacket and interior artwork by Joe Servello. This is a printer specializing in limited first editions. I go...