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Series: David Hunter

by Author Simon Beckett


Written in Bone (2007)

Having a forensic anthropologist as the main character in a whodunnit is great because it allows the author to give us the gory detail of the victim. Here David Hunter arrived at the scene to find a body that appears to have spontaneously combust, with no damage to the building and only a hand an...

Written in Bone (2007) by Simon Beckett

The Chemistry of Death (2006)

The first in Beckett’s David Hunter series, this is a fast-paced thriller set in rural Norfolk. It tells the story of Dr David Hunter, who has left his career as a forensic anthropologist in London following a personal tragedy and works as a general practitioner in a small village. When the mut...

The Chemistry of Death (2006) by Simon Beckett

Wołanie grobu (2011)

David Hunter wordt na 8 jaar opnieuw benaderd door gedragsdeskundige Sophie Keller. Serie-moordenaar Jerome Monk is ontsnapt en dit rakelt de 8 jaar oude moorden op een aantal jonge meisjes weer op. Het lijk van 1 van de slachtoffers werd 8 jaar geleden opgegraven, de andere twee slachtoffers, de...

Wołanie grobu (2011) by Simon Beckett

Niets blijft verborgen (2011)

David Hunter ist zurück. Nach Die Chemie des Todes, Kalte Asche und Leichenblässe erschien im Februar Band 4, Verwesung.Der erste Teil des Romans ist ein Sprung acht Jahre in die Vergangenheit, als Hunter bei der Entdeckung einer Leiche im Dartmoor hilft, die nur eines der Opfer von Gewalttäter J...

Niets blijft verborgen (2011) by Simon Beckett

Verwesung (2011)

Dieses Buch ist der letzte Teil der David Hunter Reihe. Bereits 3 Bücher lang haben wir mit und um David Hunter gefiebert. Doch dieses Ende hat mich persönlich eher enttäuscht.Dem Buch fehlt die Spannung der vorherigen Bände. Der Hauptcharakter ist zu sehr mit seinen Frauengeschichten beschäftigt...

Verwesung (2011) by Simon Beckett

I sussurri della morte (2009)

Este foi o primeiro livro que li do autor, deixando-me desde o seu início, com água na boca relativamente aos outros dois livros. A escrita do autor é bastante envolvente, os pormenores fizeram-me lembrar a série Ossos, facilmente conseguíamos imaginar e até cheirar os odores descritos neste livr...

I sussurri della morte (2009) by Simon Beckett

Ölülerin Fısıltısı (2009)

I am really enjoying reading this series. David Hunter travelled to US in this novel and got caught up in a case that had more bodies than a wreckers yard!!! Starting to be able to see a tele-series with Hunter and his investigations. If you love a story where you think you've worked out who is t...

Ölülerin Fısıltısı (2009) by Simon Beckett

Murmúrios da Morte (2009)

[vague spoilers] The forensic science in this series of books is a lot of fun. The protagonist's self-doubt and depression at the beginning of this book are well rendered. The UK doctor takes a trip to work at the "body farm" in Tennessee, and the action takes place in various locales around the ...

Murmúrios da Morte (2009) by Simon Beckett

Leichenblässe (2009)

Talk about a page turner! In the third installment of Simon Beckett's Dr. David Hunter series, a serial killer is at large in Tennessee and he seems to be taunting the police and the forensics team as the body count increases while members of the team become drawn into the sick mind of a killer.W...

Leichenblässe (2009) by Simon Beckett