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Series: Dark Ones

by Author Katie MacAlister


Even Vampires Get the Blues (2006)

I’m glad I was persistent with this series. It’s getting better and better. The characters and plot were interesting. I don’t know why MacAlister insists on giving the main female character a clueless best friend, but this one was one of the least annoying. I liked how MacAlister is connectin...

Even Vampires Get the Blues (2006) by Katie MacAlister

Ein Vampir kommt selten allein (2009)

I loved this book! So much in fact that, I read it three years ago and still remember the names of the characters! Pia takes a singles cruise to Europe and can suddenly see ghosts. She does not know why or how but this just started. She also encounters two very good looking vampires. One who kee...

Ein Vampir kommt selten allein (2009) by Katie MacAlister

Vampire lieben gefährlich (2010)

Not as good as the first of the two-part arc, but still good, trashy fun. Crouching Vampire, Hidden Fang: A Dark Ones Novel by Katie MacAlister (2009)

Vampire lieben gefährlich (2010) by Katie MacAlister

Ein Vampir liebt auch zweimal (2012)

Cora arbeitet als Sekretärin in der Immobilienfirma ihres Ex-Ehemannes. Dessen zweite Frau, Diamond, nimmt Cora mit zu einer Immobilie, die von der Firma verkauft werden soll. Cora soll mit Diamond zusammen Fotos von dem Gebäude machen. Doch sie läuft dort dem Lich Ulfur und einem „bösen Englände...

Ein Vampir liebt auch zweimal (2012) by Katie MacAlister

Ein Vampir in schlechter Gesellschaft (2012)

I always have fun when reading Ms. MacAlister's vamp books! Not as fun as the YA novels that preceded it, but still a decent read.

Ein Vampir in schlechter Gesellschaft (2012) by Katie MacAlister

Zen and the Art of Vampires (2008)

Pia sounds like a much more believable character than previous heroines, even if some times the humor takes precedence over the verisimilitude and logic of the story. I won't give details, but the story continues on the next book, so it kinds of becomes something in-between romance and something ...

Zen and the Art of Vampires (2008) by Katie MacAlister

Crouching Vampire, Hidden Fang (2009)

I liked this book, but I still feel like it's a little bit unfinished, somehow I don't think that the feud between the brotherhood and the dark ones is over just yet, and there's still a couple of loose ends in this whole Ilargi business. I hope the next book is the third part of this, even if th...

Crouching Vampire, Hidden Fang (2009) by Katie MacAlister

Much Ado About Vampires (2011)

This is a really good story with a well developed plot. The story contains many characters that readers have met previously in other MacAlister books (I love how connected and intertwined MacAlister's books are) and a few new characters. By the end of the story readers experience closure for m...

Much Ado About Vampires (2011) by Katie MacAlister

In the Company of Vampires (2010)

soooooooo funnnnnny Guess I am going to have to give up on this series. Couldn't get into this one

In the Company of Vampires (2010) by Katie MacAlister

A Tale of Two Vampires (2012)

I was soooo happy to get a new Dark Ones novel. And yet I had forgotten just how much fun this series is. Katie MacAlister infuses her novels with a unique sense of humor and wit that I absolutely adore. It's been just long enough that I didn't really remember Ben & Fran's story and I wish I had ...

A Tale of Two Vampires (2012) by Katie MacAlister

Keine Zeit für Vampire (2013)

Ugh! What an awful book! I only finished it because I have a compulsion to finish books once I start them. The characters are ridiculous - even for a romance novel. The main character reminds me of a dim-witted Kathy Griffin and if you think that's sexy, well... who am I to tell you different, bu...

Keine Zeit für Vampire (2013) by Katie MacAlister