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Series: Curl Up And Dye

by Author Sharon Sala


Curl Up and Dye (2014)

For 11 years, LilyAnn has been going through the motions of living but not much more than that. After her almost-fiancé is killed in the war in Afghanistan, Lily sinks into a life governed by her grief. It takes a stranger showing up in town whose car reminds her of Randy Joe’s to shake her ou...

Curl Up and Dye (2014) by Sharon Sala

The Curl Up and Dye (2014)

The Curl Up and Dye by Sharon Sala was a great read for me. It’s one of those books that let you escape your own world for a while and I really needed that. It’s engaging, heartwarming, funny, sassy, and just plain good – it is Southern fiction at its best! I like nothing better than when I op...

The Curl Up and Dye (2014) by Sharon Sala