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Series: Crystal Doors

by Author Kevin J. Anderson


Crystal Doors (2009)

Reviewed by Me for TeensReadToo.comFourteen-year old cousins Gwen and Vic Pierce are almost nothing alike. Where Gwen is serious, scientific, and analytical, Vic is fun-loving, spontaneous, and outgoing. Older by a mere five hours, Gwen likes to think of herself as the one in charge. Vic likes to...

Crystal Doors (2009) by Kevin J. Anderson

Ocean Realm (2008)

Reviewed by Me for TeensReadToo.comCousins Gwen and Vic Pierce, the protagonists from CRYSTAL DOORS, are back in this exciting follow-up, along with some of the other great characters we came to know and love in the first book: Uncle Cap, Ali el Sharif, Tiaret, Lyssandra, and even the wonderful d...

Ocean Realm (2008) by Kevin J. Anderson