You know how the term "B movie" is used for all those movies that are just to cheesy, over-the-top or just plain not well acted enough to really be taken seriously, but are sometimes fun to watch just the same? Well, this book would be the perfect example if there were a term like that for books...
HUNT HER DOWN - BULLET CATCHER #7 - (Dan and Maggie)SOME VENDETTAS ARE HARD TO FORGET.Fourteen years ago, undercover FBI agent Dan Gallagher watched his lover, Maggie Varcek, flee into the Miami night as gunfire exploded around them. Now a Bullet Catcher, Dan has learned that drug lord Ramon Jime...
Der ehemalige Bullet Catcher Jack Culver arbeitet als Privatermittler an einem brisanten Fall. Vor dreißig Jahren wurde eine Frau wegen Mordes angeklagt und verurteilt, obwohl sie unschuldig war. Nun glaubt Jack, den wahren Mörder gefunden zu haben. Aber um ihn überführen zu können, braucht er di...