Loved this book. I picked up four new slang words. Not that I would ever utter them. What sounds funny out of a 23 yo comes off as desperate for an older gal. However, I enjoyed reliving my youth while reading. Noone can quite nail female friendship like Nora Roberts, however this author does a...
Žiaľ, ako som sa na to tešila, tak som bola sklamaná :( Po prvej tretine knihy som si myslela, že to už ani nedočítam, ale je to napísané (štýlom) fakt takým ľahkým, že ako prázdninové čítanie v pohode obstojí. Ale chýbala mi tam nejaká hlbšia myšlienka, skrátka niečo WOW. Asi mi táto konzumná pá...
Another beauty from Gemma Burgess. I'm slowly working through all her books, I had a review planned in my request/ask about a sequel...but it appears i'm behind as the 2nd book is listed on here! I will be getting any others in the series as soon as I can.The book is well written, tread...