Toby Jugg is a young fighter pilot in 1942, now confined to a wheelchair after being shot down. He is also the heir to a considerable fortune, a fortune that is being administered by a board of trustees until he comes of age. He is becoming increasingly disturbed by a strange presence, a mysteri...
I'm a huge fan of The Devil Rides Out, the Hammer adaption of Wheatley's previous Duke de Richleau novel. Reading de Richleau is a bit like the supernatural adventures of an aged James Bond. Astral travel and occult doings among British high society. I picked this up along with The Devil Rides Ou...
This is not only an excellent m/m romance, but also an excellent fantasy novel.In a world that's like an alternate universe version of Medieval England (even down to how time is measured in 'marks', as in the old way of measuring time by candle marks), we are thrust into the lives of three couple...