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Series: Autumn Rain

by Author Rachel Ann Nunes


Shades of Gray, An Autumn Rain Novel (2011)

Second in series. The Autumn Rain series books are awesome, If you like adventurous crime solving mystery sleuthing sprinkled with romance you'll love this series. Rachel Ann Nunes is an author whose books you can truly get lost in. Her characters come alive and you feel like you know them intim...

Shades of Gray, An Autumn Rain Novel (2011) by Rachel Ann Nunes

Imprints (2010)

Although the book ended well with plot-twists and compelling ideas about utopian communes and missing people, I found the first part of the book to be quite tedious. Autumn, the main character, was caught up in fickle romances that seemed juvenile considering she was 32... I had a hard time belie...

Imprints (2010) by Rachel Ann Nunes