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Franklin Goes To School (1995)

Franklin Goes to School (1995)

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4.18 of 5 Votes: 3
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1550744240 (ISBN13: 9781550744248)
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About book Franklin Goes To School (1995)

I got this book free of charge from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.First I have to say it: I love Franklin books!! I have been reading them to my kids for approximately 20 years, and they are just as good today as they were back then!I got this book on my Kindle, which I was afraid would affect the enjoyment my 5 year old son would get because I was afraid the illustrations wouldn't show up well. Although they weren't as vibrant as the paper version of the book would be, they were clear and my son was able to see them and enjoy them. This book was about Franklin's first day of school, and all of the fears and nervousness that go along with it. The book started out with the morning of that day, went through getting on the bus and going to school, and then concluded with Franklin coming home from school and telling his parents how it went. My son is 5 years old and although I am homeschooling him, he still really enjoyed the book. In fact, I have already read it 6 times, and I foresee reading it a lot more in the future!! Even though he is not getting on a school bus like Franklin, he is still nervous about his first day, and this story made him feel better about it. I have told him how he will be going on field trips with other homeschooled kids, and this book addresses the fear of meeting new people and being afraid you will not feel comfortable with it. All in all, the true judge of what rating I will give this book is my son, and because he absolutely loved it, I am definitely giving it a full 5 stars :D

Franklin was going to school for the very first time. He woke up very early and felt like his tummy was "full of jumping frogs". Franklin's parents walked him to the bus stop and gave him a big hug. Franklin was worried...What if he wasn't smart enough to go to school? Who would be his teacher? Would he have any friends?When Franklin got to school, his teacher discovered that he was a good artist. Franklin drew pictures, read a book and made a building of blocks. He had a wonderful day at school.That evening Franklin gave his parents the two pictures he made at school and two big hugs!I read this story to the students in my school library many, many times. It is a perfect story for the first week of school. All kids are a little nervous when they begin a new school year. This story demonstrates that it is OK to be nervous but school is a friendly place for learning and fun.This book (and many others in the "Franklin Series") is now available in digital format on the Kindle. I read the book on my Kindle 3 and was very pleased with the formatting and the entire visual experience.

Do You like book Franklin Goes To School (1995)?

Franklin Goes to School is a picture book geared towards kids ages 4-6. It tells the story of Franklin the turtle, who does not want to go to school for the first time. He feels inferior to his peers who are already able to read and write. His teacher, though, encourages Franklin in his special talent of art, which makes Franklin feel very special and helps him enjoy school. Children will relate with Franklin and this could help some children who might be anxious about going to school. The genre is general fiction and the theme is confronting fears.
—Amie Anderson

This is a great book to read to children who are nervous about going to school. Going to school for the first time is a big deal. It's easy to understand why kids get nervous about it. It's their first time away from their family for that long of a time. There in a room with a bunch of strangers, they also will be having a teacher for the first time. Young franklin is excited about his first day of school. When Franklin boards the bus the reality sets in, he gets nervous and scared. He wonders if he is even smart enough to go to school, who would be his friends? Franklin's teachers notices that he is a great artist. The teachers has franklin draw to pictures to bring home to his parents for his first day of school. This book is just a friendly reminder that it's okay to be nervous during the first week of school, but in the end everything will work its self out.
—Chase Vombaur

Genre: Picture BookAudience: K-3Topic: Starting SchoolTheme: Overcoming fearsCurricular Uses: Read Aloud, Independent Reading Reading Level: Transitional Readers Literary Elements: Some rhyme, dialogueIllustrations: Bright, illustrations that reinforce the text. The detail used for the characters really expresses the emotions that characters are feeling. Additional Comments: This is a great book about starting school for the first time. I like that Bourgeois uses the owl as the teacher because of the common idea that an owl is wise. Children can definitely relate to this book.

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