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Franklin And Winston: A Christmas That Changed The World (2011)

Franklin and Winston: A Christmas That Changed the World (2011)

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3.83 of 5 Votes: 1
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0763633836 (ISBN13: 9780763633837)

About book Franklin And Winston: A Christmas That Changed The World (2011)

This book took a historical event and boiled it down into a way that kids would understand easily. Even though it was a little dry in content, the creativity lacking, it was well written. The illustrations were very simplistic and helped aid the story in the sense to make it more appealing to kids. When I got this book from the library it was easy to tell that it was not read often, which now makes sense. I think had there been real photographs in the story it would have been a little more interesting and would have definitely made it more real. The audience and the format of the book are at odds with each other. A picture book usually implies a younger audience, but this is fairly sophisticated history, probably best understood by grade 5 or older. As another reviewer remarked, the point of the meeting and the results from it, are not clear until the afterword is read. The story is told with enthusiasm but what makes this book stand out are Moser's illustrations. The book works, but only if an older child picked up a "baby's" book and read it and absorbed the illustrations. It has made me interested to know more about the friendship between Winston and FDR now.

Do You like book Franklin And Winston: A Christmas That Changed The World (2011)?

Absolutely delightful! It had great illustrations and told an informative, yet engaging story.

Good story to understand the relationship between these 2 men. Not so many historical facts.

Cute story. Love reading about both of these politicians.

Really loved the illustrations in this book.

Ths was a little boring o me...

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