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Framing Innocence: A Mother's Photographs, A Prosecutor's Zeal, And A Small Town's Response (2010)

Framing Innocence: A Mother's Photographs, a Prosecutor's Zeal, and a Small Town's Response (2010)

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3.82 of 5 Votes: 5
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1595585516 (ISBN13: 9781595585516)
New Press, The

About book Framing Innocence: A Mother's Photographs, A Prosecutor's Zeal, And A Small Town's Response (2010)

I read this book from a different perspective from other readers. I am a small town prosecutor, albeit in Canada, so in an apolitical prosecution system. I was so interested to read " Attorney Wirtz'" views in the comments section of Goodreads. My experience as defence counsel in that the only thing worse than a "principled" client is an innocent one. And this woman was clearly both. So I spent a lot of my time sympathizing with her lawyer. My summary: interesting case, some interesting characters, good efforts to explicate the law and procedure. Not spellbinding, but well worth reading. Okay, this is new to me, but I'd put this as a must read for anyone living in the U.S. today...It gives a warning about protecting our rights to privacy and our civil rights. It's also a tribute the character of one small town in Ohio to defend these rights. Lynn Powell the author will be on our campus March 2 for two noon and 7 pm. Free and open to the public...BGSU Firelands College in Huron, Ohio...

Do You like book Framing Innocence: A Mother's Photographs, A Prosecutor's Zeal, And A Small Town's Response (2010)?

Quite a story, although it became a bit much towards the end. Still recommended.

A little too detailed at times, but overall well told and totally infuriating.

Well written, even better when you know the cast of characters personally.

Excellent book - well written and fascinating true story.

The story kept me going because it was real.

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