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Forever Under A Rainbow (2014)

Forever Under a Rainbow (2014)

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M/M Romance Group @ Goodreads

About book Forever Under A Rainbow (2014)

This book was really different, I mean what happens when two men who both prefer to bottom fall in love. Bridges meets Stone on a dating site, he's just realized that he might be gay, or at least bi. He and Stone hit it off instantly and spend lots of time talking online and texting. When they finally go on a date, they kiss and Bridges knows the onlly person he wants is Stone. Then Stone backs off, they dont talk much for months. The eventually talk and things soon heat up between them. These two were very likeable characters, but they were frustrating too. They talk about everything but because of both of their pasts theyre still very guarded. It was a good quick read, very different storyline. slow pace if you like those type this is for you.Bridger finds love online who he finds is stone. They get to know each other, before they meet for a date even after one date they both date others. one dated his ex and others online. which i guess it should have been fine but they sort of could have told each other before hand, but i guess sometime its the way it is. So they give dating another try and this time it works but now they problem is in the bedroom how they going to satisfactory each other without cheating which is good they talk and they work things out. But sexually is not all things if you love someone work out things and have a balance which these guy did and i guess it worked for them.

Do You like book Forever Under A Rainbow (2014)?

I liked this story, but I really don't know how realistic it is. Recommend. Thank you writer.

I'm gonna pass on this. The premise doesn't interest me at all.

Beautifully paced, slow build, gentle and witty.

3.5 stars

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