Rating is my daughter's. She really enjoyed the story, not least because of the romance element and high-flying adventure. I give it 3.5 or 4.0 stars. I liked that the series is set in Washington, DC, and uses the International Spy Museum, which I've actually visited. Also, I'm a sucker for humans' discards being repurposed for wee furniture and inventions. I appreciated that the human main characters are a fat boy and a black girl, but I got mad that the mice at one point hide in the girl's braided hair (didn't seem possible, given the illos and earlier description, so it struck me as offensive). We read an ARC, so I hope the overkill adverbs were weeded out in a subsequent editing pass--especially "reluctantly," which had the unfortunate effect of cuing Cake's song "The Distance" every single time. Also, my daughter noted an error or two in the pilgrim history (the story is set around Thanksgiving).