After all the troubles and hardships, finally I found an eBook of this and have FINALLY read it. One thing is for sure, I loved it. Stories involving Gods and Goddesses, more specifically about Hades and Persephone has always intrigued me. ✓Love✓History✓Moral lesson✓MythThis story has them. And frankly enough I read this first, before the first book about Medusa and Ariston. I've read plenty of other books concerning Persephone and Hades and well similaities are that of Poseidon wrecking havoc when Hades is involved or how secluded they made Hades to be when in truth he is a soft-hearted god that was never heard to speak his mind and of course Hades being married.I'm just happy that Hades and Persephone had their happily ever after. And that Demeter had enough sense to finally see that her daughter wasn't happy with Erys- whatshisname~ And I liked how the hounds and horses that Hades possessed felt at ease with Persephone, it made it seem like they were part of Hades thst didn't fear to be near her [at first]. Aunque lei el libro en ingles... hare el review en español porque evidentemente me es mas facil desarrollar mis ideas en mi lengua materna.Asi que... ya he dicho que tengo una extraña fascinacion por el mito de Hades y Persefone... este libro trata de ello con giro bastante interesante convirtiendose en una historia de amor bastante entrañable. La historia en si misma es distinta al mito, y aun asi sorprendentemente cautivante. La autora da vida a los personajes de un modo impresionante, el libro esta bien escrito... de ese modo que te permite imaginarlo todo con unas pocas palabras bien empleadas. Me encanto esta novela, no podia parar de leer...
Do You like book For The Love Of Hades (2013)?
I was pulled in from page one. This story is heart twisting and sweet all rolled up together.
Misunderstood!Hades is my favorite trope ever.