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Flight Behaviour (2012)

Flight Behaviour (2012)

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3.71 of 5 Votes: 2
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0571290787 (ISBN13: 9780571290789)

About book Flight Behaviour (2012)

I love the way Barbara Kingsolver tells a story. It was fun to learn some true facts in the middle of fiction. I am not a die hard believer in global warming. Not to say it doesn't exist but this is truly a story meant to convince the reader that the science is true and one sided. The rural poverty and family "way" is true to life, thought provoking and woven through different relationships. I highly recommend the read. Loved this book in the end, but it took a while to get into it. I didn't get Dellarobia at first because of the way she was marching up the hill in the opening scene of the book. I thought this was a story about a flighty girl, throwing her self from one thing to another. I couldn't empathize. But the story unfolds and I see a girl as loyal and long suffering as Job, living a life of grinding poverty and isolation. It's a story of global warming and nature rebelling, and Dellarobia realizing that her life doesn't have to be defined by her mistakes.

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Well drawn characters. The main character comes out sadly victorious.

Well written, good story

I loved this book.

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